Many benefits from sports massage have been reported based on experience and observation. Some are beneficial to the mind (psychological) and some to the body (physiological).
Increased flexibility
Decreased muscle tension
Increased joint range of motion (ROM)
Increased blood flow
Increased elimination of exercise waste products (lactic acid)
Decreased chance of injury
Decreased recovery time between workouts
Sports nutrition
The food we eat impacts our strength, training, performance and recovery. Nutrition is an important part of a sports person’s diet. Athletes may need more calories than the average person or individuals training for bodybuilding competitions may need to increase their protein intake: a good nutrition plan is key to your success.
Sports injuries
Common sports injuries include
Sprains and strains
Joint injuries (knee, shoulder, ankle)
Muscle injuries
More serious injuries include fracture and dislocation.
Causes of sports injuries includes improper warm-up or stretching practices before a sporting event or exercise, improper training practices, lack of proper sports gear etc. It can be prevented with small corrections in techniques and also by taking care of injuries at the beginning itself.