Health Coach
Health coach will be your mentor to set a health goal, to achieve it through small steps and will motivate and support clients on their journey to achieve their health goal. There are many factors that go into finding a unique balance for your healthy lifestyle such as your body type, family ancestry, personal preferences, life circumstances, schedule, location, access resources and much more. Putting it all together in a way that make sense and that allows you to thrive requires a personal touch from some one knowledgeable and supportive. That’s where a health coach come in. At Swastha.Life we first assess your inborn Prakrithi and coach you during your journey to perfect health.
Swastha Ayu-Lifestyle package
Healthy lifestyle should include proper diet and nutrition, appropriate exercise as per own body strength and healthy mindset.
Package for: a complete healthy lifestyle
Duration: 1 month
- Prakruthi assessment
- Diet plans as per prakruthi and follow up
- Dosha and agni (digestion) corrections (medicines extra if required)
- Short detoxification- abhyanga 3 days, medicated steam and internal medication, and cleansing
- Nutrition/ Rasayana suggestions
- Customized Physical activity/ exercise patterns as per prakruthi and lifestyle
- Assistance for pranayama techniques
- Assistance and videos for meditation
Additional routine Abhynaga for 2 more months an follow ups
Sports conditioning package
Package for: Sports enthusiasts
Duration: 1 month- 3 months
- Assessment of calorie requirements for your lifestyle
- Diet plans and counseling of appropriate diet for activity level
- Nutrition counseling
- Exercise patterns to be followed as per sports
- Internal medication to support muscle strengthening if required
- Pranayama to improve lung capacity
- Meditation assistance for better mental strength
- One counseling session
- Abhyanga (sports related) at regular intervals to release muscle tension, with sports specific details-1/3
- Elakizhi – 3 days before any event (additional for the event)
- Njvara kizhi/pizhichil to improve muscle and join Strength after event (additional as per requirement)
Weight management
Package for: All
Duration: 3 months
- Diet plans with calorie assessment and as per lifestyle
- Fitness/exercise counseling
- Ayurvedic herbal medications
- Follow up on weekly basis with diet changes and nutrition for result oriented approach
- Ayurvedic treatments including Udwarthanam (10 days), Abhynaga, Sweda and virechana etc-14 days- additional
Stress management
Package for: Working/Business professionals
Duration: 1 month
- Digestion corrections and Nutrition suggestions
- Lifestyle changes
- Abhyanga for body and head-3 days
- Nasyam-3 days
- Shirodhara- 3 days
- Pranayama
- Meditation
A toxin is anything that enters your body-mind and interferes with your natural state creating imbalance over time leading to illness. Our detoxification helps in eliminating these accumulated toxins because of wrong food habits, external environment and stress.
Package for: Working/Business professionals
Duration: 14 /21 days
- Preparation stage- internal medications – 5 /7days
- Snehapana – 5/7days
- Ayurvedic abhyanga – 3/5 days
- Medicated steam – 3 /5 days
- Virechana
- Follow up stage – Helps in going back to normal routine and follow up with healthy diet and lifestyle.
Package for: All
Duration: 14/21 days
- Prakruthi assessment
- Nutrition counseling/rasayana as per lifestyle requirements
- Abhyangam and shirodhara-7 days
- Njavara kizhi-7days
- Pizhichil-3 days
- Meditation
- Pranayama