Weight loss and management
Obesity or weight above or below ideal weight is one of the most common health problems in today’s world. Weight above ideal weight is the source of many other life style diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver diseases, angina and heart failure etc.
We can find different kind of programs online from keto diets, intermittent fasting and different kind of diet plans for overweight. The basic theory of calory deficit should be considered in overweight cases. But each individual should be analysed properly for specific reasons for weight gain.
At Swastha Life each person who is overweight will be given specific treatment and diet plans according to their Deha Prakruthi. As per Ayurveda improper metabolism and improper digestion is the root of obesity. It can happen due to various reason like hormone changes, thyroid issues, or unhealthy food habits. It will be a holistic approach, not only to loose extra weight but also to correct metabolism and restore the entire digestive and metabolic processes.
Weight loss treatment includes classical Detoxification, powder & paste massages along with diet counselling. These programs are customised and medically supervised by an Ayurvedic physician. Usual common line of treatment will be to consume internal medicines to correct metabolism, detoxification procedure as per individual requirement and external treatments like Udwarthanam, oil massage and steam.
Basic weight management program
Ayurvedic diet plan along with Ayurvedic medicines.
Intermediate weight management program
Ayurvedic diet plans along with Ayurvedic Medicines and classical Ayurvedic treatments
Udwarthanam – 5 days
Snehapana – 3 days
Massage and steam – 3 days
Virechana (medicated purgation) – 1 day
Diet follow up and medicines to be continued- under consultation
Advanced weight management program
Ayurvedic diet plans along with Ayurvedic Medicines and classical Ayurvedic treatments
Udwarthanam – 10 days
Massage – 4 days
Snehapana – 5 days
Massage with steam – 3 days
Virechana (medicated purgation) – 1 day
These are the outline of weight management program. But it will be customized as per doctor’s consultation if required.
The Effectiveness and length of the treatments depend on individual’s age, health condition and associated medical conditions like PCOD, metabolic disorders etc.